HTML Compressor

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About HTML Compressor

HTML Compressor

About HTML Compressor

The HTML Compressor is used by removing unnecessary white spaces, line breaks, tabs, and other extra artifacts to compress HTML code. Performance in highly compressed HTML. The tool shows you savings by compressing your File, too.

It is needed to pay particular attention to the virtualization of the internal website. That will help to increase search engine ranking positions. One of the methods of virtualization is reducing HTML code. It improves loading speed on sites.

Why do you need to reduce code Size?

 Such not all search engines. Statistics show that 40 percent of visitors leave the tool when loading takes more than three seconds. The conversion decreases by 7 percent with each second. Fast loading websites get higher search results because of positive behavioral factors.

What is the Compression of the HTML Code?

Developers can leave more space than is needed when developers write code, add comments to the code, or insert unnecessary symbols. That all increase the size of the file. To resolve this, you have to do the following

1. Remove spaces with duplicates and line breaks. We improve loading time on the web page. In this case the tags < script >, < text area >, < pre >, < style > should not be touched.

2.         Reduce the volume of content in the code's first sector. Push all that is not connected to loading the first screen to the bottom. Important blocks of JS and CSS may be embedded in HTML.

4. Convert the names to DNS. Tell the user where to scan the web page for the plug-in files: images, javascript, style files. An example of page load acceleration for analytics systems is given below.

5. Remove a domain in src, href attributes from the URLs. It also means you can compact the code.

6. Optimize names for the grades. It also compresses the size of HTML: The titles of the CSS class should be shortened. You can change the names to any other using the babel-plugin-react-CSS-modules and CSS-loader. To generate additional identifiers for each record in the database, use the name indexing with the ingest module.

How does it work?

We at SEO Tools aim to provide you with tools that are very user-friendly and can deliver quick results. This free online HTML compressor will help you reduce the HTML code of your website. Now you don't have to worry about minifying HTML without programming skills.

This free HTML compressor online uses a unique algorithm, which evaluates the HTML code submitted. It operates by doing search/change before and after HTML compressor. It is useful if you want to remove unnecessary variables or functions, or simply change their contents as the variable.

If you're wondering how to compress HTML, then compress HTML using this tool, just copy and paste the HTML code.




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