Open Graph Generator

Fill in required fields.


Copy your code.
<meta property="og:title" content="">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:type" content="">

About Open Graph Generator

Open Graph Generator

About Open graph generator

Facebook initially introduced open graph technology in 2010. It allows for the same accessibility to any web page as other Facebook objects. It helps a user to connect with Facebook on their website. All other social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and Google, + acknowledged and recognized the advantages of social meta tags. Facebook has its own Gold Cards launched, and if you can't find any of your robots on a website, use the free graph meta tags on Facebook instead.

Open graph tags contain accurate information about your website and are reviewed by search engines. This knowledge included in a website's free graphs protocol helps to elevate its ranking to higher positions. It means open graph protocol on a website can improve popularity and better ranking on Facebook and other social media sites that the owner and webmaster want to achieve.

By using the open Facebook graph meta tags on your website, you can increase the traffic on your website and the popularity of your brand. The more material you share, the more traffic and connections you get to your website, the higher the social media.

If your website is an e-commerce platform that receives traffic from social media sites, then your sales will improve.

Once you've successfully created meta tags for open graphs on Facebook, you can also explore creating meta tags for Twitter cards, Instagram meta tags, and meta tags for LinkedIn. The creation of open graph meta tags on all relevant social media websites will make the website more accessible to social media. That's a place you'd like to explore to get more traffic on your blog.

Performing it is not a dangerous task. Read on, and let us show what you need to do to build and use meta-tags with transparent graphs.

To gain from the Open Graph protocol, you will need to include the following tags in your website code.

Tag 1: on the title: your material will be named to this tag. It should not exceed 88 characters as that is the length if it exceeds the extent to which it will be truncated.

Tag 2: on lol: You give in this tag the URL name of the website to which the object is linked.

Tag 3: og: form: Define the type of content you are sharing in this open tag. It is your web-based content and based on entertainment and individuals. There are also several other type tags.

Tag4 on: desc: This open graph tag should contain Not more than 200 characters with a short description. It should be a catchy explanation that should raise the curiosity of the consumer to visit your site.

Tag 5 og: gif: We all know the importance of putting the content on an image. Material without a photo can only be dull reading, but it can become exciting to read with an imposed image; therefore, it is better to place an image in the meta tags of the open graph. Just make sure that the file size does not exceed 5 MB, and the cap should be 1200x 627 pixels, as these are image tag limits for Facebook. An eye-catching picture will arouse viewers to visit your website.

There are other meta tags to use if you wish to play a video or audio. Try to observe the limitations of free graph tags on Facebook, though.

Now that you know how to boost the traffic on your website by building it as an entity on Facebook and other social media sites. Here is an easy solution to make the necessary meta tags for the open graph.

How does it work?

 Use a handy meta-tags tool for transparent graphs.

Go to and find the' open graph generator ' icon from your search window, and click on it. Or copy/paste into your search browser's address bar and proceed directly to the graph generator window

You need to fill in the required fields here to create open graph meta tags on Facebook. Enter the heading of the item you want to make. From the' type,' choose the type of information found on your website. Enter the number of images if you want to include any pictures. Enter the name of the site now, then enter a brief description next. Enter the URL  and the images you want to view in the Facebook picture.

HTML code for Open Graph tags will be created after entering all the required fields. Now you need to copy the HTML code and paste it into the HTML code of your site's header section. Once you've done that, you'll see the item showing on Facebook for your website. Engage your friends on social media, and watch the traffic on your website increase.

By using this convenient tool given by, you can change the open graph tags whenever you wish.




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