JS Minifier

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About JS Minifier

JS Minifier

What is minification?

Minification is the method of reducing the web pages and script files with code and markup. It is one of the main techniques used in websites to minimize load times and the use of bandwidths. Mining dramatically improves web speed, and usability, translating directly into a better user experience. Minification refers to the process of removing obsolete or redundant data without affecting how the user-e.g interprets the resource: code comments and formatting, unused code elimination, use of shorter variable and function names.

Why Minify Html and Javascript (JS)?

 Some Developers use spacing, comments, and well-named variables when creating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS) files to render the code and markup understandable for themselves. It also assists others who might focus on their properties later on. Comments and extra spaces need to be deleted to minify Javascript, CSS, and HTML files, as well as crunch variable names to eliminate code and file size.

The minified file version has the same functionality while lowering network request bandwidth

• Compress HTML • Delete text line breaks from code • Eliminate tab spaces• Substitute double spaces with single spaces Also available is the option of not compressing the HTML document header.


The main advantages of compression are decreases in hardware capacity, data transfer time, and bandwidth communication. That can lead to considerable cost savings. Compressed files require significantly less storage capacity than uncompressed files, which means you can not only transfer files more efficiently around a local computer but also send large files, full documents, and faster data over the internet. Uncompressed files can often get corrupt when a significant decrease in storage expenses is sent over the webbing.




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