Discover thousands of long tail keyword suggestions for Free.

Long Tail Keyword Suggestion

Keyword Suggestions

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# Keyword Keyword Length Word Count

About Long Tail Keyword Suggestion

What is the Longtail keyword? How is it different from the short-tail keywords?

A long-tail keyword may typically contain more than two terms. In general, the short-tail Keyword should contain only 1 or 2 times.

Why are keywords with a long tail so useful?

Those who use long-tail keywords usually know precisely what they are looking for, or have some particular requests in mind. Such people are more willing to consume your content or buy your products and services in most situations.


Why Long-tail keywords rank easier on a search engine?

It is where highly specific multi term long-tail keywords by search engines are much easier to rank for. If you use standard terms as keywords as an internet marketer, you are likely to face immense competition with top-ranking pages. You can't compete with sites like,, Amazon, eBay, and other popular sites. So you need to find suitable long-tail keywords to use on your website pages.

Benefits of using a long-tail keyword suggestion tool:

You will get more traffic by using long-tail keywords in the pages of your web site.

 It will also provide you with a higher ranking on the popular search engines, and these are the two main goals that every internet marketer wants to achieve.

 Use this free long tail keyword suggestion tool to formulate the strategy for your website.

 Remember that long-tail keywords are more focused than generic keywords, and use of them will help in ranking your website.

How to use the Long-tail keyword suggestion tool?

We know what the long-tail keywords are, but how do we find a list of them related to what we try to sell on our website. We know our keywords, we know our products and also the area we want visitors from. Go to on your web page, and find the source of long-tail keywords. Or copy/paste keyword-suggestion into your search browser's address bar.



Now enter the' seed list' in the show. Enter the keywords you want to use to produce long-tail keywords. Once the' Provider' has been registered, it is Google's default, but if you click on the arrow, it will show a list of providers such as Twitter, Yahoo, Bing, eBay, and Amazon. You can choose which service you wish to access. First, pick the target country and Language. It will show a list of suggestions about keywords. You can copy/paste the document or export it to a worksheet for Excel.





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