Flag Counter

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About Flag Counter

Flag counter

Flag Counter is an elegant counter that you should incorporate to make your blog beautified.

This Free Flag counter can be attached to any website; it's just a simple picture. Every time someone from a new country visits your site, they add a new flag to your counter. Next to the banner will be shown the total number of visitors from each country, and clicking on the counter-image will reveal all kinds of useful information!

What do you get from this flag counter?                

Flag Counter is a free counter for visitors to your website. Our service will enable you to track website traffic and visitor details.

Flag counter, with only one HTML code section, is fast-paced, enjoyable, accurate, and free of charge.

Flag Counter is a free counter for the visitors to your website.

Our service will allow you to monitor traffic and details of visitors to the website.

This counter is rapid and accurate!

Get flags and see the location of your guests.

How to embed a flag counter into your blog?

So, how do you first embed a counter like that into your blog? Well, for starters, you usually have to register and create an account on their website. That way, you'll have a unique URL link that you can put on your blog and whenever someone visits your blog or blog page, that link will "phone home" and pass your data to them, like your country you're from, or just that you've visited your page and they can increase the counter by one digit. It's just a fact how it works, and they can't find out more about you than they already know. Still, you see a question about privacy here, do you? Okay, if you don't know, you can't do much about it.

The flag counter is on number one, in our opinion. It is reliable to count 99% of your visitors, the support is friendly, and the staff is hard working.




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